9:00 – 10:30 ANSS ongoing projects
Chair: Morten Engstrøm
Telemedicine – Oana Deleanu (20 min)
Pediatric Sleep – Barbara Stražišar (20 min)
Beyond Boundaries – Samson Khachatryan (20 min)
Daylight Saving Time around the world – Barbara Stražišar (10 min)
National Sleep Survey – Lyudmila Korostovtseva (20 min)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 News and hot topics
Chair: Ysbrand van der Werf
Keynote lecture: Telemedicine in sleep: state of the art and perspective – Christoph
Schöbel (30 min)
Questions and Discussion (10 min)
Postgraduate Sleep Master – Claudio Bassetti (15 min)
French Sleep consortium (INSERM) – Pierre Philippe (15 min)
Sleep Revolution – Erna Sif Arnardottir (15 min)
New ideas – Everyone (5 min)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:30 Update from the ESRS
Chair: Samson Khachatryan
Summary of ESRS activities and plans – Pierre-Hervé Luppi (20 min)
Sleep Medicine Committee – Dirk Pevernagie (20 min)
Discussion (20 min)
14:30 – 15:30 ANSS / ESRS collaboration and proposals
Chair: Oana Claudia Deleanu
Lifetime achievement award – Ysbrand van der Werf and Pierre-Hervé Luppi (20 min)
Flagship project – open table with all representatives (20 minutes)
Brainstorm – open table with all representatives (20 min)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 – 16:20 Meet the sponsors
Chairs: Barbara Stražišar
Philips Respironics (40 min)
Bioprojet (10 min)
16:20 – 17:10 ANSS Business meeting
(Industry and ESRS board cannot attend)
Chair: Ysbrand van der Werf
Finances and membership of the ANSS – Morten Engstrøm (10 min)
2023 Next ANSS meeting – presentations and vote (20 min)
Composition of the EC (20 min)
17:10 Closing
17:30 Guided tour. Be ready at the lobby for bus trip for tour and dinner.
20:30 Gala dinner
Awards for 3 best national presentations